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8 Tips to Get More Revenue from Your Restaurant - Things You're Missing


Delicious food is the secret to attracting customers to your restaurant. The smell it exudes makes diners hungry. You may have forgotten that there is a smell that is discouraging diners from coming in. Running a restaurant is a full-time job that requires you to manage every component of a commercial kitchen.

You can spend 80% of your time attracting diners, arranging chefs to cook delicious food, and collecting bills. But don't forget that commercial kitchen cleanliness is also crucial. I'm not just talking about commercial kitchen cleaning with a rag to wipe the table, stovetop, and floor. Of course, these visual cleanings will increase the favorability of diners.

food truck - Ventto Ventilation Equipment Application

1、Why is the kitchen exhaust hood important?

You seem to have forgotten your most important helper. The commercial ventilation equipment helps you absorb the fumes in the commercial kitchen and then exhausts it to the outside - the commercial kitchen hood system. If you don't treat it well, it will make your restaurant and commercial kitchen full of the smell of fermented food, fumes, and dust. This is not a good sign.

Many restaurant owners don't realize that a clean commercial kitchen starts with maintaining the ventilation system. It will keep clean air in your commercial kitchen. A hot kitchen full of fumes and bad smells will cause many troubles. 

When working in a commercial kitchen with poor ventilation, will increase the chance of fire by 50% and will stimulate the irritability of 90% of chefs. If you don't want these factors to increase your bills, please install a professional commercial kitchen ventilation system immediately.

2、What is a kitchen exhaust ventilation system?

What ventilation equipment does a commercial kitchen exhaust system include? Do I need to follow the salesman's advice and buy all the commercial ventilation equipment? How can I buy the most suitable commercial kitchen exhaust system with the least budget? Do you have any questions about the Ventto commercial ventilation equipment manufacturer? Ventto is ready to answer your questions.

One stop commercial ventilation Equipment - Ventto Manufacturer

The commercial kitchen exhaust ventilation system includes an exhaust duct, centrifugal fan, range hood, and air purifiers. These devices undertake the tasks of oil fume extraction, discharge, transportation, and purification. It helps you eliminate most of the odors in commercial kitchens. Some foresighted restaurant owners will add a ventilation system to deliver fresh air. The fresh air system contains less ventilation equipment, it only needs a commercial centrifugal fan and exhaust duct.

3、How does a commercial kitchen hood work?

A commercial kitchen exhaust ventilation system is a system that draws oil mist, dust, and steam into the ventilation duct through a range hood. It draws the oil smoke in the kitchen into the ventilation duct through the dynamic turbofan on the range hood. Some range hoods contain commercial electrostatic purifiers that can purify and filter the oil smoke.

When the oil mist passes through the commercial electrostatic purifiers, 95% of the oil pollution will be trapped in the collection box. Some chefs who pursue higher air quality will add UV Deodorizer after the commercial electrostatic purifiers. It uses ultraviolet rays to atomize the odor into carbon dioxide and water to achieve the effect of deodorization.

The purified oil smoke is sucked into the exhaust duct or outdoors by the commercial centrifugal fan. The exhaust gas taken away will be replaced by fresh air in the fresh air system. After the commercial kitchen exhaust system completes its task. 

Your commercial kitchen is no longer full of unpleasant odors and oil smoke, it will lower the temperature in the room, thereby calming the chef's mood. Keeping your commercial kitchen clean can prevent grease mist from seeping into the dining area and making diners uncomfortable.


4、Ventto all-in-one commercial kitchen ventilation system

I have to admit that traditional commercial kitchen exhaust systems contain too much ventilation equipment. They take up more kitchen space. What's more annoying is that it's difficult for you to clean the commercial kitchen exhaust system yourself. You have to spend a lot of money to hire a commercial kitchen hood cleaning service company.

Many restaurant owners complained about these things to ventto commercial ventilation equipment manufacturers. They longed for ventilation equipment that included a commercial kitchen hood, centrifugal fan, exhaust hood, and UV Deodorizer. 

It doesn't take up too much kitchen space, contains all ventilation functions, and is easier to clean. Do you want to buy this all-in-one commercial kitchen exhaust ventilation system? I know it will save you a lot of money.

In 2021, ventto commercial ventilation equipment developed an all-in-one commercial kitchen exhaust system. It has a mini size (L1800*W1300*H1000). It can be placed above the stove, on the ceiling, and the platform. 

It does not require the installation of exhaust ducts. It is similar to a household integrated range hood. It can extract, filter, purify, and discharge oil smoke. Its oil smoke purification rate reaches 90% to 95%.

I think one of its most valuable features is the automatic cleaning function. It does not require you to hire a commercial kitchen hood cleaning service company to help you clean the oil stains in the exhaust pipe. It has no exhaust pipe, which is a beneficial thing. You just need to press the <Auto Cleaning> button, and it will automatically clean the oil stains in the commercial kitchen hood.

5、What are the different types of kitchen hood systems?

There are many types of commercial kitchen hoods. Can you tell which commercial kitchen hood is more suitable for your restaurant? I once met a restaurant owner who bought the most expensive and smartest commercial kitchen hood, but his restaurant was still full of fumes. Why is that? Do you want to know the answer? Please read on.

(1) Canopy Hood

In terms of appearance, you can see a canopy hood, ductless hood, cabinet hood, I-type hood, and II-type hood. The canopy hood is like a huge canopy that covers the commercial stove. A canopy hood is used to extract the fumes generated by the commercial stove and transport them to the exhaust duct. It is a common device in traditional commercial kitchen ventilation systems. It does not take on the task of purifying fumes.

Go back to your kitchen at home and check the range hood. Does it look like the one in the picture below? It consists of a canopy hood and a long exhaust duct. It is connected to the ceiling or vent. A canopy hood is more suitable for restaurants with a lot of spare kitchen space, low exhaust standards, and no need to purify the fume.


(2) Ductless hood

Ventto's all-in-one commercial kitchen hood system is a type of ductless hood. It does not have an exhaust duct. It means that the fume in the kitchen has been purified before being discharged. A ductless hood is more suitable for restaurants with small kitchen space, high exhaust standards, and the need to purify the fume.NEWS1 (4)

(3) What is a type 1 commercial kitchen hood?

How can I distinguish between a type I commercial kitchen hood and a type II commercial kitchen hood? Ventto manufacturer will tell you a simple trick if you find that your commercial kitchen hood has a flame detection system or fire alarm. It must be a type I commercial kitchen hood.

Type I commercial kitchen hoods appear in restaurants that use gas stoves, charcoal stoves, and open flame stoves. It can capture and discharge fumes, oil stains, and solid pollutant particles generated by fryers, Chinese wok cookers, gas burners, and BBQ grills.

(4) What is a type II commercial kitchen hood?

A type II commercial kitchen hood is a mild ventilation device. It can capture oil mist, steam, and solid pollutant particles generated by dishwashers, steam cabinets, ovens, and induction cookers. It has a dynamic oil fume shield that can absorb more oil fume.

6、How do you calculate cfm for a commercial kitchen hood?

You should test the CFM of a commercial kitchen. CFM stands for cubic feet per minute, which refers to the unit of flow of the air being transported. Let's take a simple example. In your hand, there is a 12ft*12ft*12ft box with one cubic foot of air inside. You seal the box, move the box from the kitchen to the outside, and then open the box to let the air flow out.

In the commercial ventilation process, the box equals the commercial kitchen hood, and you equal the exhaust duct and centrifugal fan. The commercial hood transports the fumes from the kitchen to the outside. Its exhaust volume is greater than or equal to the CFM of the commercial kitchen. How to calculate the CFM of a commercial kitchen? There is a formula for it. The CFM of a commercial kitchen equals the number of burners*3000.

For example, there are 5 burners in your commercial kitchen. CFM of commercial kitchen: 5*3000 = 15,000 (m³/h). It means you need to buy a commercial kitchen hood with an exhaust volume equal to 15,000m³/h.

Here is a more difficult term to understand - static pressure. Imagine, how can you transport still air to the outside? It must have an assistant, such as a fan, card, or blower. It will generate greater pressure to drive the air to the outside.

commercial kitchen with fume

7、How often should commercial kitchen hoods be cleaned?

It depends on how much fumes your commercial kitchen produces every day. Different types of restaurants will have different cleaning frequencies. For example, if you run a BBQ restaurant or Asian restaurant, some restaurants produce a lot of fumes. I would recommend that you clean your commercial kitchen hood system every two months. 

If you run a coffee shop, Japanese sushi restaurant, or bar, some food centers produce less fumes. I would recommend that you clean your commercial kitchen hood system every 3 months or half a year.

You should refer to local fire safety regulations to adapt to the requirements they issue. For example, commercial kitchens that fail to meet the requirements of NFPA 96 (a document developed by the National Fire Administration) will pay heavy fines or suspend operations. Here are some detailed standards, divided according to different smoke exhaust volumes.

Commercial kitchens that use solid fuels or open flames for cooking must clean their commercial kitchen hood systems once a month. Commercial kitchens that serve large numbers of diners or cook large quantities of food must clean their commercial kitchen hood systems once a quarter. Commercial kitchens that serve large groups of diners or cook large groups of food must clean the commercial kitchen hood system every 6 months.


Thank you for reading this far. Ventto manufacturer hopes that the above content can help you. In short, a professional commercial kitchen exhaust ventilation system will bring more revenue to your restaurant. If you are interested in a Ventto all-in-one commercial kitchen hood system. Please feel free to contact us.